21 y/o contained in a sterile environment.
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Mister C. Feature @MisteriousChum


lover of dirt

Zombie School of Euramaria

in the dairy isle

Joined on 9/9/23

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MisteriousChum's News

Posted by MisteriousChum - November 15th, 2023



this is based on my personal enjoyment, not the quality of the game.



Posted by MisteriousChum - November 8th, 2023








listened to these while driving to class today. went a slightly different way than usual. i had two very strange dreams last night that involved dogs, kitties, a fancy restaurant, black tortilla chips, a wedding, and some electronic device that wouldn't shut up (it turned out to be my alarm in the real world). a certain character from chainsaw man flirted with me in my dream, which made up for all the negative weirdness.

i have been in a particularly good mood since i woke up. i feel more connected with everything around me. it might be because i signed up for my classes next semester, which seem much more exciting than what i'm taking now.

while listening to music on the way to class, i imagined what my first miku concert is going to be like with my mom. but then i remembered i gave my extra ticket to my brother... i'm sure he'll enjoy it too but i was kind of excited for some mom music bonding.


Posted by MisteriousChum - November 6th, 2023


this song has been with me through a lot. i listened to it in middle school, imagining two girls falling in love years before i ever realized i liked women. i listened to it while my grandma was in a coma, shortly before she passed away. this song and nekobolo have been with me for years, and i believe nekobolo is one of the greatest at putting pure emotion to music. i think he is one of the greatest musicians. i am able to recount all of these different times in my life because of nekobolo and similar music. i'd like to make music like his someday, and write songs for all of the lyrics i have imagined to his music. please take a listen.


Posted by MisteriousChum - October 20th, 2023


nice song. found it a long while ago but didn't listen to it fully until driving home today. it has under 900 views and was uploaded a year ago. take a listen.



Posted by MisteriousChum - October 10th, 2023


if mikoto and hime were on here they'd be SS tier for sure...

(each tier's characters are in no particular order)

miku: most range out of any vocaloid

lily: hot when tuned right

gumi: most realistic

luka: beautiful when tuned right

yuki: most unique

iroha: nice tomboy-ish yet feminine sound

anon: not unique but very pleasant

flower: popular for a good reason (although i used to hate her)

una: have never heard her tuned badly

VY2: best male vocaloid


IA: nostalgic and pretty

SF-A2 miki: cheerful and charming

gakupo: has the potential to sound very realistic

seeu: cutest design and unique pronunciations in japanese

nemu: most unique right beside yuki

uni: cute design and voice

oliver: the best english vocaloid

cul: pretty when tuned right

chika: charming, similar to gumi

matcha: somehow both young and mature, somehow both girlish and boyish

VY1: distinct, powerful voice

rana: very recognizable

rin: iconic

len: also iconic (has grown on me over time)

lapis: a true moe voice

piko: extremely good range

rion: good for fluffy songs


kaito: he can sound good but it takes a masterful tuner

yukari: a bit boring but pretty

meiko: fun to listen to

kiyoteru: sounds nice, i think he has some sort of rock voicebank

fukase: overrated but has a cool sound

mayu: good for calm or cutesy songs

bruno: surprisingly very good

macne nana: prefer her utau voicebank

cyber songman: idk why i put him so low, i just relistened to him and he's extremely good

that green kid: good for jokes and experimental songs

zunko: can produce very pretty harmonies

ruby: one of the best english vocaloids


galaco: odd but has her good moments

sachiko: love the concept, but sounds muffled

mew: kinda basic

yohioloid: just a guy


sonika: incredibly muffled

merli: also basic

cyber diva: sounds pretty weird

kanon: a little annoying

big al: can sound cool if you're going for a scary sound


clara: not a fan


this girl: i remember not being a fan


those two at the bottom: also not a fan

in the end, any vocaloid can be used right...

make one for yourself! : https://tiermaker.com/create/vocaloid-tier-list-4067


Posted by MisteriousChum - September 29th, 2023


Dark: hot.

Electric: most unique miku look.

Poison: most fun to look at.

Fighting: best hair and color scheme.

Bug: cutest.


Fairy: first one that blew me away.

Ghost: good twist on miku's classic look.

Normal: strongest personality.


Ice: interesting "lore" (business woman? researcher?)

Ground: feels like a proper pokemon character.

Flying: predictable but pretty.

Rock: unique take on twintail look.

Water: best design + pokemon pairing.


Grass: didn't stand out at first, but fun.

Psychic: basic but cute.

Fire: not bad. interesting hair.


Steel: underwhelming.

Dragon: messy.


Posted by MisteriousChum - September 25th, 2023


absolutely amazing. check it out. miku sounds so beautiful. the vibe reminds me of my time in 2021 listening to things like slowed versions of "nowhere to run" by stegosaurus rex.

original song by mr. kitty

miku cover by astrophysics


Posted by MisteriousChum - September 22nd, 2023

here are some art tips that i find to be pretty objective (cuz i hate more subjective tips/art style tips that pass themselves as fact). these still may not benefit everyone, but i think they are generally helpful:

  1. (for digital) flip your canvas OFTEN!!!! don't wait until you are almost finished with a stage. it will point out errors to you quickly. extremely useful.
  2. (for traditional) it's not as convenient, but if you'd like to "flip your canvas" you could take a picture with your phone and flip the picture while editing. it's the same concept.
  3. (for CSP) while the default brushes in CSP are useful, you should explore and download more. download blenders, pencils, paintbrushes, patterns/materials, anything you can find. it opens a lot more opportunities for you that way.
  4. collect images and references beforehand, especially if you're bad at memorizing/visualizing. i recommend keeping a folder/note on your computer or phone for inspirations and references to use later. looking at it can spark inspiration when you're in a slump.
  5. keep your drawing tablet or sketchbook flat. it is better for your wrist. doing wrist exercises and building wrist strength is also important so you don't get cramps in the future.
  6. taking breaks is not only recommended, but pretty much mandatory. art blocks are normal and so is burn out. taking a break is not only useful for preventing burn out, but is also useful in finding mistakes in your art or figuring out what's been missing. you know that feeling when you're in the shower and a great idea suddenly pops into your head? the same can happen while taking a break from art. you may suddenly figure out that anatomical mistake you've been trying to correct, or think of something to add that'll make your work perfect.
  7. if you want to be really serious about art, study from real life. i recommend keeping a note on your phone of whatever interesting observations you make about people, environments, shade and light, etc.. even if you've got a cartoony style, this will help you overall. you may find this more effective than simply studying other people's art.
  8. again, if you want to be serious about art, study anatomy. it will not only help you with... anatomy, but it will help you with observation and noticing mistakes in your art. the same can be said for flipping your canvas.
  9. while studying from real life is important, you can still take notes on art styles/art direction that you like and dislike. of course you shouldn't make your negative notes public, but recognizing what you DON'T want in your own art is as useful as recognizing what you DO want.
  10. (for digital) using the tools provided to you, such as stabilization and transform options, is not cheating. you are using what you have at your disposal, take advantage of it.
  11. similarly, tracing is not cheating as long as you don't post it/share it and claim it as your own. tracing can be useful in the initial stages of designing characters, understanding the flow of someone's lineart, etc.. you can also use it to practice anatomy, such as drawing a skeleton type deal over the person's drawing.

in the end, even though i tried to make these tips as objective as possible, you don't have to follow them. everyone's art journey is different. good luck!


Posted by MisteriousChum - September 22nd, 2023

hello everyone! this post may seem patronizing, but i wanted to make it because i believe these are important things to learn. many people have forgotten the principles of keeping the internet peaceful. these tips were written with twitter in mind, but they are too long to post there. these tips should apply to any place on the internet.

here are some tips on how to be responsible on the internet when it comes to nsfw or questionable content.

  1. do not put suggestive/nsfw art or jokes in kids games directly, such as splatoon.
  2. do not put nsfw work or fetish art in a main tag. minors may look through the main tag.
  3. put warnings and labels on all of your art that may need them, especially if it is sensitive, niche, or potentially triggering.
  4. it's a good practice to block minors preemptively so they have no chance of seeing your nsfw work in the first place.
  5. do not engage with minors who engage with your nsfw/suggestive content first. block them immediately. no matter if they are complimenting you, trying to start an argument, whatever. block them, do not give them an excuse to come back to your post. if they are interacting with other nsfw posts or are below the respective website's age limit, report their account for their own safety.

now, here are some internet safety tips.

  1. do not use your legal name in usernames (preferably).
  2. do not share your address or personal information. do not be a creep and ask for this information unprompted either.
  3. despite what you may see a lot of the time, putting a public list of your phobias, triggers, and mental illnesses is absolutely NOT a good idea! this gives ill intentioned people a full detailed list of how to harm or manipulate you specifically.
  4. block!!! mute!!! do not engage with upsetting content!!! that will only make similar upsetting content appear to you more. block and mute! blocking does not mean you "lost a fight" either, and someone blocking you does not mean you "won."
  5. do not purposefully bypass warnings and tags that will upset you (and don't blame the poster if you went past their warnings willingly). do not purposefully seek out accounts and content that will disturb you or make you angry. it doesn't matter if you are trying to take someone down, take somebody off of a platform, or "fight the good fight." absolutely do not do this to yourself. achieving this takes a lot of willpower since negative emotions and reporting/blocking accounts can be addictive or "empowering" (a lot of people don't know that provoking yourself can count as an addictive form of self-harm), but it is necessary.
  6. if you see something upsetting, disturbing, or uncomfortable, do not QRT/share it for everyone to see. if you didn't want to see it, why would others want to? (personally, i don’t think QRTing/sharing something uncomfortable to make fun of it is a valid excuse to do this either).

let's make the internet a fun and safe place for everyone! it will take effort from all of us!


Posted by MisteriousChum - September 21st, 2023

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bTAC8EdfDgs (Kuraisu to Ringu by nekobolo x IA)

this is a song i've listened to many times since middle school. i have cried to it at least a few times, but have become numb to it because of how many times i've heard it. near the end though, i re-realized just how beautiful IA's voice is. no wonder she was used so much in the past. was never a fan of hers much, but now i think she encapsulates what sounds so great about an artificial voice.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k72z-KMabXQ (Girl Who Tends to Look Downcast by colloid x Hatsune Miku)

another song i have listened to many times since middle school, and cried to at least a few times. i had also become numb to it, but something "panged" in my heart all of a sudden and i realized that i felt connected to it somehow, by sound alone. i thought "what if i could make music like this someday," and something hit me. specifically, "what if i wrote this as one of my characters." a year or two ago i had started a playlist because of this song called "what death feels like (or out of this world)." i wonder if i've ever had a feeling like this for a song before. probably and i just don't remember. it hit me, and i felt like i could make something too. i wonder if i'll lose this feeling. just gotta keep driving and listening to music. ...also, i'm always surprised by how unpopular this song is.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d0FkUJJqcvU (Re:Re: cover by Mato)

this surprised me. when it started playing i didn't recognize it at all. i thought it was an ad, but it sounded too good to be one. so i thought "i hope this ad doesn't end." i slowly started to realize what song it was. i didn't recognize it since i hadn't listened to this song in years, not to mention i only ever listened to the TV-size version. imagine my surprise when len started singing too... beautiful song. BEAUTIFUL guitar. reacting to a song blind without even seeing the title is so cool, but it's kinda hard to make that happen organically.

hearing these three songs in a row by coincidence is almost too good to be true.
